
Digital FormFinding: Mesh Relaxation

"A physical model (as verb) is excellent because, bound as it is in actual reality (AR), it is qualitatively rich: full of dense information about physical forces and strains, construction sequence and detail. It is very difficult, however, to get quantitative information out of this kind of model.1 Digital models, on the other hand, are excellent because they are rich in quantity: indeed, they are composed of quantities, and this content makes them invaluable in any building culture that must calculate before constructing." Mark West/ CAST

We experimented with digital formfinding methods, simulating the process of making the analogue prototypes. Different generations were produced, as well as the assembly logistics of the building components

We experimented with digital formfinding methods, simulating the process of making the analogue prototypes. Different generations were produced, as well as the assembly logistics of the building components

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